Friday 8 February 2013

The Burden Of Paper

This piece of Flash came first in a Flash Fiction Competition over at Write Invite. 

The Burden Of Paper

‘ I've brought you a present.’ Laura said, as the poet turned from his work - his pinstripe trousers tied with rope - his white shirt worn to reveal a library of ribs. 

‘It’s a journal and pen. I thought you...’ 

She watched him take it from her, flicking through the smooth pages with rough fingers.

 ‘I gave up paperwork a long time ago,’ he said, shielding his eyes from the sun’s dazzle on the sea.

‘But your poems?’ 

‘Paper’s a burden.’

Laura scanned his latest work. ‘It seems so futile.’

‘Not futile.  This way my words won’t trouble anyone.’

‘But how will you remember?’

‘That’s why I like to write on the sand.’

 ‘I don’t understand.’ Laura said, watching the waves coil and tumble towards the sweep and whittle of his words.

‘I write to forget, Laura.  The sea edits my memories and each tide brings me a new beginning.’

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